3 Things To Do For Your AC Now

Summers in Concord, NC, are hot and humid. Now is the time to make sure your AC system is ready to provide relief from the heat and humidity. For a comfortable summer, do these three simple things right now.

Change the HVAC Filter

Each time your air conditioning system turns on, the cooled air passes through the HVAC filter. The filter captures dust and other small particles. After a few months, the filter becomes clogged with those particles. Check the filter monthly, and replace it at least every three months. Clean filters boost indoor air quality and lower AC electricity usage by five to 15 percent, explains the Department of Energy.

Check the Condensate Line

During a cooling cycle, your air conditioner transfers heat from in your home to the outdoors. The warm air in your home holds a lot of moisture. As the air cools, the moisture condenses from a gas into a liquid. The condensate line drains this water away from the air conditioning system. A clogged condensate pipe could cause the whole system to shut down. Dirty condensate lines cause musty odors and encourage mold growth. Periodically check your condensate drain, and clean it with a long, thin wire brush. Sometimes a shop vac is needed to pull a blockage out.

Schedule an AC Tune-up

We recommend a spring tune-up for your air conditioning system. By scheduling your AC maintenance now, you can choose a convenient appointment time. A spring AC tune-up gives our technicians a chance to inspect your cooling system and identify any issues that could cause a malfunction this summer. We fix small problems in order to avoid costly repairs and disruptions to your comfort. A spring preventive maintenance visit maintains your air conditioner’s warranty, which could save you money if an expensive part breaks.

To learn more about how to prepare your home’s air conditioning system for summer weather, check out Dulin Mechanical Services’ air conditioning maintenance services, or call us today to schedule your maintenance appointment.

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