Is My Concord, NC, Thermostat Beyond Repair?

There are any number of HVAC issues that only require a simple repair. However, there are other problems, such as some thermostat issues, that are best addressed by replacing the component entirely. Here are three signs you should consider investing in a new thermostat for your Concord, NC, home.

An Old Thermostat

If you own an old control, it could be time to replace it. This can be beneficial even if it doesn’t seem to cause your unit any problems.

New thermostats offer a variety of new features and can even allow homeowners to program their home’s temperature according to the specific time of day and events going on in the home. In the long run, a new control could end up saving you money because it helps you use energy more efficiently.

Fluctuating Temperatures

When your thermostat does not operate properly, it can cause the temperature in your home to fluctuate. Incorrect control readings are also a popular problem with malfunctioning thermostats; it may read one temperature on the readout when your home is clearly a different temperature. If your thermostat has a difficult time maintaining a certain temperature or will shut off and turn back on randomly, these are all signs that you need a new control.

Increased Energy Bills

Higher energy bills are a sure sign that your HVAC system is having issues. Many times, your thermostat can be the cause.

If you notice your HVAC system cycling on multiple times within a single hour, it could be time for a control upgrade. Inefficient thermostats will reveal themselves as spikes on your energy bill or excessive maintenance costs and can even cause your entire HVAC system to short if left unaddressed.

If you have noticed your thermostat malfunctioning, there is no time like the present to invest in a new one. An upgraded thermostat can save you both time and money, so reach out to the HVAC professionals at Dulin Mechanical today to see about replacing the thermostat in your home.

Image provided by iStock

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