Weatherize Your Home to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs

The weatherizing process is designed to interrupt natural heat flow patterns that waste energy and degrade indoor comfort within your Charlotte home. Simple and inexpensive weatherization upgrades help you save money, protect the environment and preserve fossil fuel resources.

Weatherization Saves Energy and Money

The primary goal of weatherization is to create a solid barrier that separates the conditioned air inside your home from the outdoor air. This can be accomplished by using a variety of different materials and sealing techniques.

  • Seal the Perimeter: Older homes are very porous, so it’s important to seal all the gaps and penetrations in the exterior walls to reduce unwanted air infiltration. Caulking around electrical and plumbing penetrations and sealing the gap under the sill plate will reduce winter drafts and save energy.
  • Duct Sealing: Ductwork leaks rob your HVAC system of efficiency and can cause your heating and cooling bills to skyrocket. Duct sealing is a process that eliminates gaps, leaks and loose connections through the application of a specially formulated duct sealant material.
  • Add Insulation: Besides slowing the flow of thermal energy, adding insulation to your ceiling and walls helps to fill structural gaps while providing a natural air infiltration barrier. Check out blown-in-place insulation systems, which also have excellent noise reduction properties.
  • Weatherstripping for Windows and Doors: Fixing a cracked or broken window improves efficiency and also eliminates a safety issue. Weatherstripping around doors and windows saves energy, and it’s very easy to apply. Remove your plywood attic scuttle panel and replace it with an insulated access door so you’ll have a tight, energy efficient seal.

Weatherize for Comfort and Efficiency

Weatherizing your home is one of the best investments you can make to reduce utility costs and extend the life of your heating and cooling equipment. If you’d like to learn more about optimizing your heating or cooling system, call the professionals at Dulin Mechanical Services, Inc. today.

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