Why Does My Midland, NC Home Have Uneven Airflow?

Your HVAC system is responsible for delivering comfortable air to all the rooms in your Midland, NC home. Unfortunately, problems can develop that cause the airflow to be uneven. The following are a few reasons why you’re experiencing uneven airflow in your own home.

Ductwork Problems

As your ductwork ages, it can develop holes and small cracks in it that let the air escape. This directly affects the amount of airflow each room in your home receives.

Wear and Tear

Normal wear and tear on your HVAC system can cause poor airflow, especially as your system ages. Our technicians can measure the amount of airflow in your home and determine which HVAC repairs would be the best option for resolving this issue.

Clogged or Old Air Filters

A clogged air filter is one of the most common reasons why a home experiences poor flow of air. It’s easy to forget that your system’s air filters need to be regularly cleaned or changed. Once dirt clogs the air filter, your airflow will be significantly reduced.

You Need More Return Air Vents

The average HVAC system works as a closed-loop system. It generates a specific amount of air that’s distributed throughout your home. The same amount of air returns from your home to the HVAC system for conditioning and redistribution.

Each room that receives a specific amount of air needs to return that same amount to the HVAC system. If not, the air becomes pressurized and limits your airflow. It also causes the HVAC system to work harder, which results in poor energy efficiency.

These are all common problems associated with uneven airflow throughout your home. Most of them are easily fixed. Call us at Dulin Mechanical Services, Inc. now to find out more about our wide array of HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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