Why Is My AC in Harrisburg, NC Tripping the Breaker?

When your AC in Harrisburg, NC trips the breaker, it is protecting your home from the consequences of an overloaded or dangerous circuit. Still, a frequently tripped breaker will make it impossible to stay cool this spring, and it’s important to learn why it’s happening and stop it. Here are a few reasons why your AC might be tripping your breaker.

Dirty Air Filters

Dirty AC air filters can cause problems in countless ways. They will harm your indoor air quality and hamper airflow through your HVAC system.

Impaired airflow will diminish your AC’s ability to cool your home, which may force the system to work harder. This, in turn, will cause your AC to suck in more power—so much power that it may trip your breaker. This is one reason why you need to replace AC air filters at least every 90 days.

Mechanical Problems

Any of a wide range of mechanical issues may also afflict your system. A failing compressor is a likely suspect. Other possibilities include a broken coil or loose or frayed wires.

Oversized AC

Finally, your air conditioner may be too large for your home. If so, it will draw in so much power upon starting or doing the normal work that your breaker may overreact and cut power to it.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to this problem. You may have these difficulties because your previous contractor didn’t properly install your AC, forgetting to perform a manual J-load calculation and match the sizes of your home and system. The solution may be to install a new, properly sized unit.

Irksome though it may be, an AC that trips your breaker need not be an insurmountable obstacle to comfort in Harrisburg, NC. Call Dulin Mechanical Services, Inc. and ask for AC services, and we’ll set things right for you.

Image provided by iStock

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