Tips to Prevent an HVAC Breakdown this Summer

Dealing with an HVAC problem in your Concord, North Carolina, home can be inconvenient, especially during the hot and humid summer months. While it might be nice to drop the thermostat down a few degrees to keep the house cool, certain habits may impact the lifespan and functionality of your HVAC system. Follow these tips to prevent an HVAC breakdown this summer.

Schedule a Seasonal Tuneup

Routine maintenance is one of the best ways to protect your investment and keep your HVAC system running smoothly. During a routine tune-up, an HVAC technician inspects all the components within your unit to make sure they are all functioning correctly. They test the airflow and temperature when the system is running as well. If anything is awry, the technician can repair it right then, rather than allowing the system to run with a damaged part or problem.

When manufacturers estimate the lifespans of heating and cooling equipment, they assume that the owner will be keeping up with annual tune-ups. If you fail to do so, you’re likely decreasing how long your system can last. Additional benefits of regular maintenance include improved efficiency and lower monthly bills.

Replace the HVAC Air Filter

The air filter in your system also impacts how efficiently it operates during the summer months. When it’s clogged with dirt and debris, the air struggles to move through the system, using more energy to cool down your space. Additionally, a dirty air filter can impact your home’s indoor air quality since contaminants can move into the ducts and settle there.

Changing your air filter every month or two is the best way to prevent this problem and ensure improved efficiency. If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, consider using a filter with a higher MERV rating to remove smaller particles from the air.

Check the Air Vents

When your home’s HVAC system is designed, the contractor balances the airflow based on the layout and size of the space. Blocked or closed vents can impact the balance of the system, resulting in uneven heating and cooling throughout your home. Check the vents in your home to make sure they’re clear and not blocked by furniture or other items. By keeping all the vents open, air can flow more freely, resulting in better efficiency and airflow.

Clean the Outdoor HVAC Unit

Although most HVAC maintenance tasks are best left to a professional technician, there are a few you can do yourself. One of these is preparing the outdoor unit for the summer cooling needs. During the winter and spring seasons, shrubs may have grown, and yard clippings may have found their way into your air conditioner’s housing. The outdoor unit needs proper airflow to operate efficiently, so trim back your landscaping and clean out any debris. It’s also smart to avoid placing anything large too close to the unit.

Look for Moisture

The indoor unit of your air conditioning system shouldn’t have excess moisture coming from it. A condensation pipe will take excess moisture and allow it to drain outside of the home. If you spot moisture leaking from the base of the unit, the condensation line is most likely clogged. Excess water anywhere in your home is especially concerning because it can lead to structural damage and biological growth. It’s important to address this issue right away to avoid further problems.

Don’t Overdo It

When it’s hot and humid outside, it’s tempting to drop the temperature on your thermostat drastically to enjoy a cooler indoor atmosphere. However, putting too much pressure on your system can lead to premature breakdowns that can be expensive to repair.

Instead of manually setting your thermostat to 65 degrees when the temperature spikes, set a cooling schedule that allows the system to cycle on and off more consistently and maintain a reasonable temperature. Doing so will take some pressure off your air conditioner and keep your bills under control. It’s important to also note that significantly dropping the temperature on the thermostat won’t cool down your house any faster.

Schedule your HVAC maintenance service with our team at Dulin Mechanical by calling (704) 237-3641, and reduce the chances of a breakdown this summer.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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