What You Should Know About Your Furnace’s Longevity

Nothing ruins your day like a surprise expense. You dread your car breaking down or your pipes leaking because you know it means having to fork over your hard earned cash. Many homeowners in Charlotte, North Carolina, however, forget the heavy costs that can come from replacing their furnaces or heat pumps. Prepare your budget for future furnace or heat pump expenses by understanding how long your heating unit should last and how you can preserve its lifespan.

How Long Should Your Furnace Last?

Furnace and heat pump lifespans vary according to a number of factors, from the type of heating system, to how often homeowners conduct maintenance, and even to how often you run the system. You may have had a neighbor who’s had the same furnace for more than 35 years, a neighbor that’s had their heat pump for 18 years. While that’s certainly possible, it’s not often that a furnace lasts that long. The average furnace lifespan is at least 15 years, but typically only up to 20 – 25 years.

How Can You Preserve Your Furnace?

How long your system reliably provides comfort to your home depends largely on you. The more you care for your system, the longer it will last. The best thing you can do to preserve your heating system is schedule preventive HVAC maintenance. Twice a year, usually once in the fall and once in the spring, you should call your local HVAC technician and set up a time for professional maintenance. During these appointments, technicians will repair or replace damaged and worn components, and clean your heating system.

In addition to scheduling professional maintenance, you can also preserve your heating system by taking it easy on your system. The harder you push your heater, the more you’ll add strain and reduce its lifespan. Instead of turning your home into a sauna during the winter, keep your home cooler and throw on an extra layer of clothing.

If your heat pump is nearing that 15-year mark, it may be time to start looking into upgrading your heating system. If your furnace is less than 15 years old, then keep giving it the care it needs to last. Heat pumps typically don’t last as long as furnaces because they are used year-round for cooling and heating. To schedule professional maintenance for your heating system, , call Dulin Mechanical at (704) 237-3641.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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